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Nursing Home Abuse & Personal Injury Victims

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Nursing home abuse is much more common than many people want to believe. While abuse does not impact most people living in these homes, this does not mean that somebody you love can't be a victim.

Think you might have a nursing home abuse case on behalf of a loved one? This guide will help you figure out your next steps toward pursuing a case.

What Kinds of Abuse Happens in Nursing Homes?

Many different types of abuse can happen in a nursing home. Verbal abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse can all occur.

Physical abuse in a nursing home can vary. It can include hitting, kicking, burning, and restraining. It can also include neglectful action or inaction, such as not feeding a resident or not administering medications appropriately.

Emotional abuse may include harassment, threats, insults, and intimidation. Emotional abuse can lead to physical detriments, including anxiety and depression that can manifest in physical ways.

Financial abuse involves somebody taking advantage of your loved one, perhaps to steal their money or misuse their finances. In some cases, residents of nursing homes are victims of identity theft.

What Damages Is Your Loved One Entitled To?

Your loved one is entitled to a variety of damages if you can prove that an individual or organization was neglectful.

In the case of physical abuse, your loved one may be entitled to damages equal to the costs of their medical bills. In some cases, your loved one may never be able to recover. In a case like this, your loved one may receive pain and suffering. The same applies to cases of emotional abuse and financial abuse that lead to stress, anxiety, and other physical ailments.

What Should You Do After Learning About Nursing Home Abuse?

Your first step after learning about abuse is to seek any emergency care or to remove your loved one from situations that are immediately dangerous.

Part of your next step may be filing a complaint against the nursing home that acted negligently. This can set up a warning for others who need to know that the situation could be dangerous, and it can also trigger an investigation.

Next, you should consult with a personal injury attorney. You may have a strong argument based on breach of contract, negligent maintenance, negligent hiring, negligent supervision, and negligent equipment selection.

Set up a meeting with a personal injury attorney today to learn more about nursing home abuse. Your meeting will help you set up the next steps.
