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Protecting Your Child's Inheritance With A Trust

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As a parent, you work hard to provide for your children and ensure they have a bright future. Estate planning is an integral part of this process, and one of your primary concerns may be how to protect your child’s inheritance. Fortunately, creating a trust can provide a solution to these concerns and give you peace of mind. Become Familiar With The Basics Of Legal Trusts Trusts are flexible estate plans that provide you with the ability to transfer an inheritance to your child.…

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Using Bankruptcy's Powerful Automatic Stay Tool

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Being in debt can make many feel powerless. However, bankruptcy can be seen as a step in the right direction. One of bankruptcy’s most powerful tools is an automatic stay. Read on and find out how to wield this power and what it can do for your financial situation. What Is an Automatic Stay? The term “stay” has a legal meaning and it simply means “stop.” Stop filing lawsuits against debtors, stop foreclosure actions, and stop trying to collect debts.…

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How To Protect Your Nursing License After Making A Medical Error

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When you entered the nursing profession originally, you did so because you have a passion for nursing and care about your profession. However, nursing boards suspend or revoke nursing licenses for many professionals every year for various reasons. If you are facing a nurse license suspension, you’ll need to know exactly why your license is being suspended and you will also need to contact a nurse license defense attorney immediately.…

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